October 24, 2014

I've been meaning to call SpeakOut about this for some time now. I want to thank the owner of Mexican Villa for all the years of good, affordable food. Mexican food that was more than just a ton of lettuce with no meat. Many people miss your restaurant...

Miss the Mexican Villa

I've been meaning to call SpeakOut about this for some time now. I want to thank the owner of Mexican Villa for all the years of good, affordable food. Mexican food that was more than just a ton of lettuce with no meat. Many people miss your restaurant.

Slow it down

I was walking down the street and I saw a bunch of these bus drivers driving too fast around the curves. I'm tired of this. The kids are on the school bus. It's kind of scary to see that some of these kids could get hurt because of this carelessness. Something needs to be done.

From red to blue

We are wondering since the Cardinals fans lost the National Division if these stores are gonna mark their Cardinal stuff down to 75 percent off. We are Cardinal fans. We are gonna lean toward the Royals and we need some Royals stuff in these stores. We hope the Royals win the Series. We think you will pull us through and be the World Series champs.

Here's one way

I seen in the paper that people in Sikeston need some good jobs. They can come over here to East Prairie and build some of these one-way streets over here and they will probably get rich wasting MoDOT's money.

For members only

I'd like to speakout about a local church that supposedly has a free dinner on Wednesday nights. Me and my friend are currently homeless in Sikeston right now. I called this church and explained our situation, that we were homeless, and they said the meal was for members only. I agree with people that called in about where are the Christians. Me and my family went to bed hungry that night. I think more needs to be done to help the homeless in Sikeston.
