October 25, 2014

I'd like to speakout on the beautiful city of Sikeston. The city street sweepers swept our streets and they looked wonderful. That afternoon our neighbor mowed his yard and threw his grass into the street. Now it's a junky mess again. Thank you, good neighbor...

Like a good neighbor

I'd like to speakout on the beautiful city of Sikeston. The city street sweepers swept our streets and they looked wonderful. That afternoon our neighbor mowed his yard and threw his grass into the street. Now it's a junky mess again. Thank you, good neighbor.

Over and out

This is for the people who pump one or two cents gas over a dollar amount and do not pay that one or two cents over. You are basically a thief. The person that is working has to make up for that difference and you are stealing from them. You people that are lazy and are slobs that throw the trash out your windows on our roadsides, you are just as bad as the thieves. Get with it and use the trashcans.

Rewire a lamp anyone?

I am looking for someone who can rewire an older floor lamp. Please leave your number in SpeakOut.
