October 27, 2014

SIKESTON -- The Missouri Department of Economic Development's Division of Energy will host a public meeting at 1 p.m. Tuesday at the Clinton Building in Sikeston to discuss energy-related land use. This is one of seven meetings the division is hosting to gather input on the development of the Comprehensive Statewide Energy Plan. ...

SIKESTON -- The Missouri Department of Economic Development's Division of Energy will host a public meeting at 1 p.m. Tuesday at the Clinton Building in Sikeston to discuss energy-related land use. This is one of seven meetings the division is hosting to gather input on the development of the Comprehensive Statewide Energy Plan. Governor Jay Nixon has asked the Division of Energy to gather this input to identify the policies and practices that will meet Missouri's need for clean, affordable and abundant energy in the future. The plan will recommend policies that encourage efficient use of energy in all sectors of the economy; spur job creation and economic growth; and promote development, security and affordability of diverse energy sources.

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