November 7, 2014

"As they danced they sang: Saul has slain his thousands and David his tens of thousands." 1 Samuel 18:7 We have entered the month in which we celebrate Thanksgiving, and it seems as if the world around us has forgotten all about Thanksgiving. This year two weeks before Halloween most stores had their Christmas candy and decorations out. I just want to scream out; what about Thanksgiving!!!...

Rev. Barron Willer

"As they danced they sang: Saul has slain his thousands and David his tens of thousands." 1 Samuel 18:7

We have entered the month in which we celebrate Thanksgiving, and it seems as if the world around us has forgotten all about Thanksgiving. This year two weeks before Halloween most stores had their Christmas candy and decorations out. I just want to scream out; what about Thanksgiving!!!

So this month as I write this article I am going to focus on Thanksgiving. I maybe the only one, and that is okay, but I love Thanksgiving, it is my favorite holiday. I truly believe that it is at the center of who I am as a Christian. I am very thankful for what Jesus has done for me.

There is another holiday this month, and the older I get the more thankful I am for this holiday as well, that being Veterans Day. The Banks close down for this holiday as well as government jobs, beyond that it seems as if every other place of business is open and does not care whether it is Veterans Day or not.

I am thankful for Veterans and the job that they have done in protecting the freedoms that this great country was founded upon. I am thankful for the men and women who have given of themselves to serve our country. I am grateful for the times that have been away from family on holidays and other important days in their lives putting our country in front of themselves.

To those that have served in every branch of our country's service I want to say thank you for the job that you have done.

There are others that I am thankful for and often times these people do not get remembered either. I am thankful for the police, firefighters, and paramedics that give of themselves and serve our community. These people are many times in dangerous situations and are willing to serve at a moment notice.

As we gather with family and friends on November 27 to eat turkey and the fixings our military, police, firefighters and paramedics will be at the ready serving and will miss the gatherings of Thanksgiving because they are working. I want to say to each one thank you for your service. Thank you for doing what you do.

As we go through this month we have much to be thankful for. On November 11, take time to remember in your prayers the men and women who have fought and given of themselves to protect our freedom. Some have even give the ultimate sacrifice and given their lives for our country and freedom. Remember their family in your prayers. Remember those that have lost or have been injured in serving. Remember and be thankful that what they have done has made a difference in our lives.

Remember also those that serve and protect as we enjoy our time of fellowship and time with family and friends on Thanksgiving.

God bless and God loves you,

Barron Willer
