November 7, 2014

Employees were hard at work recently in order to complete the decorating in time for this weekend's Downtown Merchants Open House. The light show will be from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. today and Saturday and resume the day after Thanksgiving through New Year's Day. Those who view the show can tune their radios to 105.7 FM to hear music synched to the lights...

Larry Tucker, a Board of Municipal Utilities employee, works on the decorations which are part of the BMU's annual light show. (Bob Greenlee, Staff)
Larry Tucker, a Board of Municipal Utilities employee, works on the decorations which are part of the BMU's annual light show. (Bob Greenlee, Staff)

Employees were hard at work recently in order to complete the decorating in time for this weekend's Downtown Merchants Open House. The light show will be from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. today and Saturday and resume the day after Thanksgiving through New Year's Day. Those who view the show can tune their radios to 105.7 FM to hear music synched to the lights.
