January 30, 2015

Find God's church. If you go to a church, they do not let you see how much offering they collect and how much the pastor makes and his family takes care of the finances and there's no voting and they do not take care of the church and it needs to be repaired. If you go to a church like that, you better check the other churches out because they will let you know where your hard-earned money is going. Thank the Lord...

Show me where it goes

Find God's church. If you go to a church, they do not let you see how much offering they collect and how much the pastor makes and his family takes care of the finances and there's no voting and they do not take care of the church and it needs to be repaired. If you go to a church like that, you better check the other churches out because they will let you know where your hard-earned money is going. Thank the Lord.

Emergency - dirty diapers

I would like to speakout about the city of Sikeston. Officers on the police force don't come out like they are supposed to. I've called and called. Someone is throwing trash on other people's property. There are dirty diapers laying on our property on our street. I would prefer it be cleaned up. Get this town in order.

Grab a life, not a crotch

Hello Southeast Missouri. Our poor little Marshawn Lynch. He's wondering why the NFL is fining him for shaking hands with his teammates in the end zone. Hmm! He knows what the fine is - the improper shoes, team outfit, grabbing his crotch. Lynch, get a life. Get real. Us fans don't care. After your days are over, the team won't care much. You're an athlete. Kids look up to you. I hope kids around here don't look up to you because you're pathetic. Your habits on the field, it's all about you. Grab a life, not your crotch. We see enough of that on the street as it is. Have a great day, America.
