February 4, 2015

scottw@standard-democrat.com SIKESTON -- Plans for putting in new streets and taking care of the city's existing roads were the main items of business for the Sikeston City Council during their regular monthly meeting Monday. On the first item of business for action, the Council authorized staff to proceed with 2015 Street and Stormwater Drainage Improvement Program as presented by Jay Lancaster, public works director...

Scott Matthews of Four Corners Development shows the Sikeston City Council how his latest subdivision projects will complete his development of land east of South Main north of State Highway 60 while Maude Harris, Council member, and City Manager Jon Douglass look on.
 (Photo by Scott Welton, Staff)
Scott Matthews of Four Corners Development shows the Sikeston City Council how his latest subdivision projects will complete his development of land east of South Main north of State Highway 60 while Maude Harris, Council member, and City Manager Jon Douglass look on.
 (Photo by Scott Welton, Staff)


SIKESTON -- Plans for putting in new streets and taking care of the city's existing roads were the main items of business for the Sikeston City Council during their regular monthly meeting Monday.

On the first item of business for action, the Council authorized staff to proceed with 2015 Street and Stormwater Drainage Improvement Program as presented by Jay Lancaster, public works director.

After making the final payment for the Kingshighway/Malone intersection reconstruction project, satisfying the local match for the new bridge on Wakefield and taking care of the balance due on the Applegate/John R. Boulevard street and drainage project, the budget has $410,000 remaining for this calendar year's Street and Drainage Improvement Program, according to Lancaster.

Based on a recent tour of city streets, the following projects were included in the program:

* Resurfacing on Helen Street from Pine to Main and on West North Street from the railroad to North West Street; and a microsurfacing demonstration project on North West from West North to Compress.

For the complete article and more local news stories, see the Wednesday edition of the Standard Democrat. For the electronic edition click here to log on.
