March 24, 2015

NEW MADRID - The New Madrid City Council will meet at 7: 30 p.m. today in the city council chambers at City Hall. Items on the agenda include: 1. Call to order Prayer 2. Minutes of the Feb.26 meeting Old business: None New business: 1. Visitors (All visitors wishing to address the Council must complete an information card and...

NEW MADRID - The New Madrid City Council will meet at 7: 30 p.m. today in the city council chambers at City Hall.

Items on the agenda include:

1. Call to order


2. Minutes of the Feb.26 meeting

Old business: None

New business:

1. Visitors (All visitors wishing to address the Council must complete an information card and

submit it to the City Clerk before the meeting begins)

2. Resolution: Jon's Mid America Fire Apparatus Inc.

3. Resolution/ Bid award: Water Dept. Project -- Rehab of Well 2

Brotcke Well & Pump

4. Bill 15-1241 Ordinance 1241: City Council Meeting Date Change

5. Bill 15-1242 Ordinance 1242: Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission

Sidewalk Improvements Grant

6. Bill 15-1243 Ordinance 1243: Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission

City Sidewalk Right of Way Agreement

7. Mayoral appointment; Project Manager -- John Gilbert

8. Discussion: Animal control

9. City Administrator's report

Closed session if needed.
