May 14, 2015

There were 53 Seniors that made the Processional March at Vic Reaves Athletic Field last Thursday night, May 7th. After the Seniors came to their respective places, Ethan Cooper led with the Invocation. Class President Delanie Thacker welcomed all to the night's program. "First off, I would like to welcome everyone to the commencement ceremony...

53 Portasgeville graduates celebrate the end of their days a students, and the beginning of their new life adventures.
53 Portasgeville graduates celebrate the end of their days a students, and the beginning of their new life adventures.

There were 53 Seniors that made the Processional March at Vic Reaves Athletic Field last Thursday night, May 7th.

After the Seniors came to their respective places, Ethan Cooper led with the Invocation.

Class President Delanie Thacker welcomed all to the night's program. "First off, I would like to welcome everyone to the commencement ceremony

Dalanie Thacker welcomes all to the 2015 commencement exercises and performs the National Anthem.
Dalanie Thacker welcomes all to the 2015 commencement exercises and performs the National Anthem.
Dalanie Thacker welcomes all to the 2015 commencement exercises and performs the National Anthem.
Dalanie Thacker welcomes all to the 2015 commencement exercises and performs the National Anthem.

for the graduating Class of 2015. Thank you so much for coming out to support us tonight.

Thanks to our parents who have made sure that we somehow made it through these last 13 years. I'm not sure how some of you put up with us, especially during those awkward middle school years.

A special thanks to all of our teachers throughout the years. Each one of you has made an impact on our lives, both good and bad. At the end of the day, we're all so thankful for your time and effort that got us to this point. I also want to give a shout out to Miss Charlyn Watson for helping me write this speech during the most hectic junior class I've ever seen.

Thanks to all of our family and friends that have been there for us and who

are here tonight. We love you and are so happy that everyone of you could make it here tonight.

Tonight is probably the most important moment of our high school

careers ... besides chicken patty Wednesday's that is. We've had some pretty amazing moments here at Portageville High School. From Mr. Bullock and Mr. Hendrix's rap battle, to dominating homecoming parades with our awesome wagons, and even surviving the senior trip to six flags. I know not everyone is as lucky as we have been to have so many wonderful memories, but as we prepare to leave this school for the last time, that's what we are left with - memories.

At the beginning of this school year, everyone warned us that our senior year would fly by, and despite how cliche it is, it's so true! I can't believe that it's actually here! But I am so thankful for all the memories that my classmates and I have to take with us, memories that make us who we are and that we will never forget.

So lastly, I want to thank the graduating Class of 2015, my fellow graduates, who have been there for me these last 13 years of my life. It's you who I will take with me as I leave this part of my life. Thank you all. I love you guys. God bless our class and God Bless our school. Thank you."

After she spoke a slide show was presented depicting the many events throughout their paths.

Next, Principal Jeff Bullock introduced the Co-Valedictorians, Kristin Britt and Derrick Priggel.

After they delivered their speeches, High School Counselor Lisa Day presented several scholarships and presentations. Of those, a local scholarship was presented to Sasha Starnes. This is the fourth annual Jacob Ryan Harris Scholarship in memory of Jacob Ryan Harris. Jacob was a student in the Portageville Elementary School. Presenting Starnes with the scholarship were Melissa Maness Foster, and Bridgett Barnett. More scholarship recipients are found elsewhere in the paper.

Superintendent Michael Allred presented the Class of 2015 to the Board of Education and Board President Mark Moody presented the seniors with their diplomas.

Close to the podium sat five empty chairs. Four empty chairs were in honor of the deceased parents of Jill Fowler, Keileigh Jones, Jelisha Minnis, and Brianna McFerrin. The last, was the chair of honor for all past-graduates and fellow Americans serving in the military forces.
