May 15, 2015

The Portageville graduating class of 2015 had Co-Validictorians, both with 4.0 grade point average. They were Kristin Britt and Derrick Priggel. After a brief introduction about them by High School Principal Jeff Bullock, they each delivered their speeches. Their introduction and speeches are below...

Kristin Britt
Kristin Britt

The Portageville graduating class of 2015 had Co-Validictorians, both with 4.0 grade point average. They were Kristin Britt and Derrick Priggel.

After a brief introduction about them by High School Principal Jeff Bullock, they each delivered their speeches. Their introduction and speeches are below.

Kristin Britt is the daughter of David and Darla Britt. Her sisters are

Karla and Kayla Britt. She is the granddaughter of Lee Ray and Ethel

Best, and the late Harold Britt and the late Crecie Britt. She is an active

member of Boekerton Baptist church. While in Portageville High School

she has been involved in Beta Club, FBLA, FCA, National Honors Society,

Scholar Bowl, FCCLA, and art club.

Kristin Britt

For my speech, I was thinking of breathing in a bunch of helium and coming up here to address everyone that way, but decided against it since I wasn't sure that would be a good first impression. Then I was tempted after a while of being unable to write anything for this speech to just say, "We did it-peace out!" and walk off stage-maybe belch real loudly along with it. Sadly I don't think that would have been appreciated very much despite the amount of emotions put into those words. This being said, I just made those two ideas the opening part of this speech as a way to take up some time.

Well, I was still having problems thinking of a speech for this, so after speaking with some friends from church, I felt God was leading me to type this speech. It may be different than most speeches one would hear at a graduation. It might not have anything memorable about Beta board tweets, milk glands (I'm looking at you, Derrick) and school yard fights. It might not be focusing on how much my mom and dad have supported me, and it might not talk about how I'm always right and my sisters are always wrong. It doesn't say anything about my amazing younger cousin visiting today, either, but it is a speech, nonetheless.

We are almost all excited about graduating today-We are finally starting our adult lives, and while each of us have this different paths set before us, we are ready to step forward with determination. But then there might be some here who have that fear of facing what may be ahead of us. We might not know how to deal with things as they come.

We all have different difficulties in life; none of us have the exact same problem. However, we all deal with our pain and sadness in like ways-some hold in the pain. Some hurt others because of their own hurting. Others let their pain and sadness flow through items and back to themselves ... anything just to cause pain. Some try to make this pain stop by trying to fix something they find wrong about themselves-they change and pretend to be someone they aren't, as though they are wearing a mask for society. There are so many people out there hurting in this way. Some might be sad because of family problems, some may be sad because of friend

problems, school problems ... some might not even know why they are sad, they just know they're upset and need some way to release these negative emotions. Some of you guys in here may soon face even be going through some major problems in life where you just don't know how to deal with this pain.

People don't realize, however (Or perhaps they do realize, but don't wish to do anything about it), that these ways of coping .... won't help the sadness. The more one cuts, the more one feels this pain. The more one hides their feelings, the more alone they feel. You guys, I know some of you are feeling this way. Some of you are suffering and you are causing pain to yourself or perhaps to others in order to try to cope. But. .. that doesn't help. I know from past experience.

You need to find a way to relieve yourself of these emotions in a way that makes you happy. For me, it was reading the Bible, talking to God, talking to others, and eating a gallon of Ben and Jerry's chunky monkey ice cream while watching Netflix. Okay, that last part might not be the best way to handle things. One thing I always suggest for others is talking to someone about their problems. Come clean to someone, despite all that you feel and despite every part of your body and mind telling you that you shouldn't just try. You might not think that others will listen, but they will.

Everyone here has a bright future ahead of them, but if you let all those negative emotions bring you down to the point of no return, you won't be able to see what amazing things might be in store for you. Let me tell you guys something-not just the graduating seniors, but everyone else here, as well: you paint your own future. Every decision you make affects who you

are going to be. You decide if it's going to be great or if it's going to be full of pain and sadness.

Never let the problems in life control you. Never let this fear you might have inside control you. God has an amazing plan set aside for every person in this room. You don't know what's going to happen in your future, but there is always a silver lining. Anyone can have a bright future-it

just depends if you are willing to aim for that future with faith and diligence.

Remember, as it says in Jeremiah 29: 11, "'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares The Lord, 'Plans to prosper, and not harm you; plans to give you a future, and a hope.'"

Derrick Priggel
Derrick Priggel
Derrick Priggel
Derrick Priggel

Derrick Priggel

Derrick is the 17 year old son of Neil and Lynda Priggel. He is the grandson of Herman and Ruth Ann Priggel of Portageville and Robert and Norma Lou Linneman of Salisbury. He has four younger siblings: Ryan, Alexa, Jessica, and Julianna. Derrick is a member of St. Eustachius Catholic Church and a member of the youth choir. While attending Portageville High School, Derrick played four years of varsity football, basketball and baseball. He was a member of Beta Club, Art Club, National Honor Society, FBLA, and the parliamentary procedure team. This fall Derrick plans to attend the University of Missouri in Columbia and study engineering. Below is his speech.

"Welcome to all! Last week I was called to the office ....... and was told I needed to write a speech for graduation. Unfortunately for all of you, I'm known around Portageville High School as the Math and Science guy. I am not a witty or gifted speech writer. So basically I have had ONE WEEK to compose a speech that gives something of significance to the CLASS OF 2015. So this morning I got up and started writing.

Tonight I'd like to start by taking a moment to thank several people who

have impacted and developed me into the man I am today. First, I'd like to thank my dad for taking pictures at all my games, homecomings, and proms. And for taking the time to post these on Facebook for all my teammates, classmates, and their families to enjoy. All my friends joined Facebook just to tag themselves off my dad's Facebook page. So this makes my dad the most popular parent in the Class of 2015 ....... next to Hannah Bullock's dad .......... of course.

Special thanks to my mom and dad for their guidance and wisdom and

encouragement over the past four years of high school. For their example of

prayer and humility and service to our community. Thanks to our teachers, coaches, and administrators who have prepared us well to be successful in the next phase of our lives.

To Ms. Brands, thank you for your support and guidance this past year as

Beta Club sponsor and as my mentor teacher. Although you did make me dance

on stage as a chicken at State Beta Convention.

To Mrs. Tammy and Mrs. Patty, thank you for all your work and dedication

to the FBLA program and especially the Parli Team.

To Coach Swims, thanks for making me an All State Offensive Lineman.

To Coach Pick, thanks for teaching me how to tackle.

Coach Bullock, thanks for all your support and encouragement and for

being a good sport when I chose to dress up as you for Halloween this year!

To Coach Irby, I'm really not gonna miss those 10s.

Thanks to my Grandparents for driving by the high school every day to

see if I still was parking in the #1 spot.

Thanks to Coach Bullock for placing a #1 sticker over top of the #2 sign so

my grandparents would stop asking me if I got a bad grade.

Thanks to "Littie Prigg" for being smaller than me, so I will ALWAYS be "Big Prigg." Gonna miss you BUD! We're all praying for you and get well soon!

To my sister Alexa who will be a freshman next year-no one from

Portageville can take you out without permission from ME AND "Littie Prigg."

To my little sisters--Jessica, and Julianna--life just wouldn't be worth living without both of you! And Juju -you get my bedroom when I go to college this fall.

To the Class of 2015, I'd like to start by telling everyone what we DIDN'T

know as we walked the halls as freshmen for the first time at Portageville High School.

1. We didn't know that to get a good seat in the lunch room, you would

have to SPRINT to the cafeteria.

2. That Chicken Patty Wednesday WAS the highlight of the week.

3. I personally didn't know that when I asked a girl to homecoming, it

would take her a week to THINK about it.

4. We didn't know that we would have to remove our personal belongings

from the ceiling of the locker room .... from time to time.

5. We didn't know that we had a cockroach farm GROWING in the football

locker room.

6. WE guys didn't know that NOBODY honors a bet if it's over 10 dollars.

7. And finally ....We didn't know that Coach Irby's jokes aren't REALLY that funny ...... but he has a GREAT dolphin cackle!

Next, I'd like to mention some special moments and accomplishments that the

Class of 2015 will always remember:

1. Landon Delisle's rendition of AMERICAN SOLDIER at the Veteran's Day

service last fall.

2. Delayne and Landon's "Grease" performance at State Beta Convention.

3. The girls' softball team's final four appearance last fall.

4. The girls' volleyball team's back to back District Championships last fall.

5. The girls' basketball team's Conference Championship this year.

6. Brittany Bessenger, you will always be remembered as "THE BUS


7. Congrats to Jill Kellams for Conference Player of the Year in basketball.

8. Congrats to K'nan Mosby, Brittany Bessenger, Maddison Barham, and Jill

Kellams for their selection to the BA sports teams.

As everyone here can see, we have had a really great and memorable year

because the Portageville High School Class of 2015 is a great group of kids.

Finally as the Class of 2015 gathers on this football field for one last time, I would like to share some words of wisdom from legendary Coach Lou Holtz. Coach Holtz has three rules for being a successful coach, husband and person.

The first rule is BE TRUSTWORTHY -Without trust there is no relationship.

The second rule is BE COMMITTED -Be committed to your faith, yourself,

your family, your job, and your community.

And the third rule is to SHOW PEOPLE YOU CARE ABOUT THEM. Put

others before YOU.

And so I challenge the Class of 2015 to be TRUSTWORTHY, be COMMITTED, and

SHOW OTHERS YOU CARE ABOUT THEM. Effect change in this world and make it

a better place. And if some of you think yourself too small to effect change, then you have obviously never had a mosquito in your bedroom at midnight!!!!!"

