I would like to speakout about the sports complex in Sikeston, the fishing pond. It is so full of moss that you can't even fish there. I don't understand. Older retired people love to go out there and fish, but you can you just throw your line out there and you are gonna lose your hook. It is terrible. They keep the rest of the park cleaned up. They'll go out there and clean it up for the fishing tournaments, but why not keep it clean all summer for the senior citizens that like to sit out there and fish? And they could stock a few fish in there so there would be something to catch. I'm just surprised they don't clean that moss out of that pond.
Obviously you didn't see Monday's edition of the Standard-Democrat showing a Missouri Department of Conservation agent treating the lake to kill the milfoil -- the "moss" to which you are referring. The lake was treated on April 30 and May 1. It will take approximately two weeks to begin seeing results, and a month for a complete kill of the vegetation. Treatment could not be done any sooner because it is not effective at cooler temperatures. As for stocking the lake, it is stocked at the start of the summer season each year. Any further questions regarding the lake should be directed to Jiggs Moore, 475-3725.
Could there not be something done about all these cats in Sikeston? I can't even go out on my porch at night for all the cats. I hate cats. I'm ready to kill them, but I'd get in trouble for it. There has to be something done about them.
I'm calling about the golf carts and the 4-wheelers in the big village of Blodgett. Whenever they quit getting all the golf carts and 4-wheelers to quit riding around in town, I will quit riding mine. Until then, everybody needs to chill out. I would also like to thank David Russell for trimming all the trees in Blodgett. He is really taking good care of the village of Blodgett.