May 25, 2015

NEW MADRID - The New Madrid County Sheriff's Department is reporting an arrest was made in connection to the fatal robbery in Parma on May 18. "More information will be posted once the investigation is complete," said Sheriff Terry Stevens. "We don't want to jeopardize the criminal case by releasing information before it is reviewed by the prosecuting attorney."...

NEW MADRID - The New Madrid County Sheriff's Department is reporting an arrest was made in connection to the fatal robbery in Parma on May 18.

"More information will be posted once the investigation is complete," said Sheriff Terry Stevens. "We don't want to jeopardize the criminal case by releasing information before it is reviewed by the prosecuting attorney."

Brenda Smith, 59, an employee of D and L One Stop in Parma was killed early May 18 as she and another employee were opening the business.
