June 9, 2015

SIKESTON -- The Sikeston R-6 School District will improve its communication with a new phone system. During its regular monthly meeting Tuesday, the R-6 Board of Education awarded the bid to provide Voice over Internet Protocol, or VoIP, services for the district to Business Communication Specialists...

SIKESTON -- The Sikeston R-6 School District will improve its communication with a new phone system.

During its regular monthly meeting Tuesday, the R-6 Board of Education awarded the bid to provide Voice over Internet Protocol, or VoIP, services for the district to Business Communication Specialists.

"Our phone system is on its last leg, and we're not able to repair the lines," said R-6 Director of Business Services Lori Boardman. "... This is a purchase for phone equipment and to replace the existing phone system."

The cost for the new system is $135,844.97. Boardman noted Business Communications met all the district's criteria.

Board member Rebecca Steward asked Boardman how the new phone system would work in emergencies.

"In an emergency, we will still have a minimum of two lines in every building," Bordman said.

Board member Matt Tanner noted his place of employment recently switched to VoIP services and just received its first bill for $200. Typically, the bill was over $700, he said.

Board member Heather Drury asked Boardman if the purpose of purchasing the new system was to save the district money.

Boardman said the reason is because the current phone system is broken, and the VoIP was the best replacement; however, she said the new phone system will also provide tremendous savings for the district.

For the complete story, see the Wednesday edition of the Standard Democrat.
