June 13, 2015

NEW MADRID - New Madrid County Central High School honored five valedictorians at its graduation ceremony on May 19. Monique Antoinette Fahy, Jessye Suzanne Griffin, Sarah Elizabeth Hupp, Drew Allen Palmer and Emilee Lynn Palmer distinguished themselves by maintaining a 4.0 GPA for all eight semesters:...

Drew Palmer
Drew Palmer

NEW MADRID - New Madrid County Central High School honored five valedictorians at its graduation ceremony on May 19.

Monique Antoinette Fahy, Jessye Suzanne Griffin, Sarah Elizabeth Hupp, Drew Allen Palmer and Emilee Lynn Palmer distinguished themselves by maintaining a 4.0 GPA for all eight semesters:

Fahy, daughter of Christine Fahy of Maplewood, was the secretary of the National Honor Society and a member of Student Council, Future Business Leaders of America, Academic Team, Beta Club, Pep Club, Science Olympiad and Skills USA, An honor roll student, she was a Student of the Month and a Gold Card member of the Renaissance Club.

Emilee Palmer
Emilee Palmer
Emilee Palmer
Emilee Palmer

Scholarships that Fahy received are the Provost Scholarship from Missouri State, Dave's Bestway Scholarship, Honor Graduate and the George Washington Carver Top 10 percent Award. She has been accepted in to the Missouri State University majoring in education.

The daughter of Scott and Laura Griffin of New Madrid, Griffin was president of the Senior Class, president of the National Honor Society, president of the Future Business Leaders of America and a member of Student Council, Beta Club, Skills USA and National Art Honor Society. In addition she was on the school's Honor Roll and a Gold Card member of the Renaissance Club. She is an active member of the Lilbourn Church of Christ

Griffin received the Southeast Missouri State Regents' Scholarship, VFW Ladies Auxiliary Scholarship, Welton N. and Louise M. O'Bannon Scholarship, Bank of New Madrid Scholarship, New Madrid County Lions Club Scholarship, Missouri A+ Scholarship, the MSHSAA Sportsmanship Award, George Washington Carver Top 10 percent Award and Honor Graduate. She will attend Southeast Missouri State University, where she plans to major in agribusiness.

Monique Fahy
Monique Fahy
Monique Fahy
Monique Fahy

Daughter of Lewis Hupp of Kewanee and Chastity Hupp of Sikeston, Hupp was the secretary of the Senior Class and a member of Future Business Leaders of America, Skills USA and Best Club. In addition she was Student of the Month, on the Honor Roll and a Gold Card member of the Renaissance Club. Sarah is an active member of LaCroix Methodist Church.

Hupp received the VFW Ladies Auxiliary Scholarship, Missouri A+ Scholarship, George Washington Carver Top 10 percent Award and Honor Graduate. Her plans include attending Mineral Area College and major in nursing.

Palmer is the son of John and Tonya Palmer of New Madrid. He was a member of the Future Farmers of America, National Honor Society, Beta Club, varsity football team, varsity basketball team, Future Business Leaders of America. Also he was on the Honor Roll and Gold Card member of the Renaissance Club. Palmer is an active member of the Lilbourn Church of Christ.

Jessye Griffin
Jessye Griffin
Jessye Griffin
Jessye Griffin

Scholarships Palmer received are the Southeast Missouri State University Scholarship, SEMO Electric Foundation Scholarship, Williams Vest Riley Memorial Scholarship, Robert and Fern Riley Memorial Scholarship, Missouri A+ Scholarship, George Washington Carver Top 10 percent Award and Honor Graduate. Also he earned the National Scholar Athlete Award, Senior Eagle Award and Excellence Award. Palmer plans to attend Southeast Missouri State University, where he will major in agribusiness.

The daughter of Ralph and Marsha Palmer of New Madrid, Palmer was treasurer/secretary of the Future Business Leaders of America, parliamentarian of the National Honor Society and a member of the Jazz Band, low brass section leader in the Marching Band, Beta Club and a Missouri Girls State delegate. In addition to being on the school honor roll, she was a Gold Card member of the Renaissance Club and is an active member of the Lilbourn Church of Christ.

Her scholarships include the Southeast Missouri State University Regents Scholarship, Missouri Bright Flight Scholarship, VFW Ladies Auxiliary Scholarship, the American Legion Brown Twitty Ladies Auxiliary Scholarship, American Legion Brown Twitty Scholarship, Mary V. Francis Scholarship, George Washington Carver Top 10 percent Award and Honor Graduate. She plans to attend Southeast Missouri State University in the fall.

Sarah Hupp
Sarah Hupp
Sarah Hupp
Sarah Hupp