June 26, 2015

"For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities - his eternal power and divine nature - have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse." -- Romans 1:20

All of creation reveals something about the Creator. When an artist paints a picture he normally does two things. He copies something and he expresses himself. If we were to look at an artwork of Picasso, we may quickly recognize it was a woman he painted, but will probably conclude he saw things quite differently than we would. His painting may tell us something about the woman, but it tells us more about Picasso himself. When God created the universe, he did only one of those two things. He did not copy anything because there was nothing to copy. What He did was express Himself. When our lives are filled with Jesus Christ, we have a new appreciation of beauty, for behind the creation is the mind and heart of the Creator. We see God in the tranquility of an early morning sunrise, in the magnificence of a setting sun, and in the splendor of a starlit sky. We see God in the mountains, oceans, forests, flowers, birds, animals; all of nature becomes a glorious tribute to the unparalleled artistry of God.

We also see God in our circumstances. We need no longer fear events in our lives that would normally threaten us, because we see God in His sovereignty working out His purpose in them. Nothing frightens God, and therefore, nothing need frighten us. When Christ lives in us, we also begin to see people through His eyes so that barriers of: race, religion, status, wealth, power; no longer have a place in our lives because God sheds His love abroad in our hearts, and we become one with Him in loving others. One day as Jesus looked out over the crowd that thronged around Him, we are told that He wept because He saw them as sheep, down trodden without a shepherd to care for them. He brings into His and our relationship, the understanding that all the inhabitants of planet Earth are broken in one way or another and in need of help. Because His heart yearns to reach out to them, consequently our hearts begin to be moved, until finally, our arms are used to fulfill His will. When we come to know Jesus, He changes our lives in immeasurable ways. Paul writes, "What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord..." (Philippians 3:8). It is this single-minded disposition of coming to know Christ that is reflected in how we see creation, how we fare in our circumstances, and in how we treat others. As Paul says, "this one thing I do," not the twenty things I dabble with, it's this single-minded devotion to Christ that causes everything else in my life to derive its place and its significance; it is from this central spinal cord to which everything else is attached. The goal of the Christian life is attaching every aspect of our lives to Jesus Christ, so that as His creation, our lives reveal the Creator.
