August 5, 2015

NEW MADRID -- New Madrid County voters gave the nod to an additional 1/4-cent sales tax to help fund ambulance services across the county. With 321 yes votes and 268 no votes cast in Tuesday's election according to unofficial results, the proposal to provide an additional 1/4-cent sales tax for the New Madrid County Ambulance District was approved. A simple majority was needed...

Ambulance funding OK'd

NEW MADRID -- New Madrid County voters gave the nod to an additional 1/4-cent sales tax to help fund ambulance services across the county.

With 321 yes votes and 268 no votes cast in Tuesday's election according to unofficial results, the proposal to provide an additional 1/4-cent sales tax for the New Madrid County Ambulance District was approved. A simple majority was needed.

The Ambulance District already receives funding from a 1/4-cent sales tax approved by voters in 2006. The additional tax will provide the District with a total of a 1/2-cent sales tax funding when implemented.

However, for a while it seemed like resuscitation services may be needed for election equipment to determine the outcome. Approximately a half-hour before polls were set to close, several precincts in the county experienced a power outage.

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