How are you supposed to read the newspaper when your husband won't pay the paper bill?
I read where someone witnessed a dog in a shopping cart at a grocery store. I wish the name of that grocery store could be published, because I certainly wouldn't shop there anymore. Anyone that would allow animals to ride in shopping carts is ridiculous.
I'd like to speakout about a carwash in a town just west of Sikeston. It is disgraceful. It is filthy. There is trash that is piled up in a barrel that smells horrible. I think it has maggots in it. The vacuums are torn up and the owner keeps letting people put money in there, and I think he does it on purpose. He could at least put and Out of Order sign on them. If he isn't going to run it right, he should shut it down. Half the time the water hoses don't work right. The vacuums don't work half the time, you lose your money. There's nobody up there to tend to it. The trash that is piled up there, I know it has been there for a month. It has a horrible disgusting smell.
I'm calling about the time and temperature on the phone. For the past two days I have tried to call and did not get an answer. Sometimes it rang 30 times and they still didn't answer. If they are not gonna answer, it ain't gonna do no good.
I appreciate your editorial so much. I agree with you 100 percent and admire you for speaking the truth. Keep up the good work! Our elected representatives (whom we trusted) are doing nothing except getting paid. So it is left up to us an ordinary individuals to step up to the plate.
Would the gentleman that owns the cotton field on Main Street by Dominos please bring his mower out and mow? The grass is about three feet high and the mosquitoes are eating us up.