October 14, 2015

SIKESTON -- Speech-language pathologists in the Sikeston R-6 School District will receive equal recognition as teachers for being nationally board certified. The Board of Education on Tuesday approved a proposal of equality by the district's speech-language pathologists to recognize their national board certification which is tied to the career ladder...

SIKESTON -- Speech-language pathologists in the Sikeston R-6 School District will receive equal recognition as teachers for being nationally board certified.

The Board of Education on Tuesday approved a proposal of equality by the district's speech-language pathologists to recognize their national board certification which is tied to the career ladder.

"For several years the Sikeston R-6 School District has recognized teachers within the school district who've gone beyond the mandatory certification requirements to teach in Missouri," said Shannon Holifield, assistant superintendent for secondary/support services. "The national board certification is a part of that, and, basically, that has been accepted and recognized for the completion of the career ladder program."

Holifield said the district's speech-language pathologists wished to experience equal recognition in comparison to that of the teachers and to be able to use that toward their career ladder.

The career ladder program offers monetary incentives on different stages in exchange for additional responsibilities and hours worked. For teachers holding a national board certification recognition, the program has included additional monetary incentives and waiving of extra work responsibilities that would be accepted for completion in the career ladder program.

The Board voted unanimously to approve the speech-language pathologists' proposal.

In other action by the Board, members moved forward with plans for a board retreat.

"Some time back, the Board had discussed having a retreat to discuss the goals and vision and so on of our district," Superintendent Tom Williams said.

There were two retreat options -- one from Missouri School Boards' Association and one from the Hendrickson Business Advisors.

Williams said the MSBA option was for $300 plus mileage -- a maximum of $400, and would provide each board member with a self evaluation. MSBA would tally that information and present it in a three-hour meeting for board members, he said.

The Hendrickson option cost $3,500 for a full-day, nine-hour session, Williams told the Board.

Williams' recommendation was to accept the $300 plus mileage board retreat package through MSBA.

"It's my understanding the purpose for this is to help us establish goals and the achievements we want to help our community and our school together decide what those are and have a facilitator to help and keep a productive conversation about that," said board member Rebecca Steward.

Other board members nodded in agreement.

Board member Heather Drury said she didn't like the option with MSBA.

"I don't like having MSBA be a facilitator," Drury said. "I don't understand why we can't do this ourselves."

Board Vice President Jim Gleason said he thought it was critical to have a facilitator to have a productive meeting.

Steward said she also thought it was critical to have a facilitator.

"I don't like MSBA, but I certainly don't think we should spend $3,500 (for the other retreat option)," Steward said. "At this point, it's worth a shot. I'm willing to do it because I think it could be very fruitful."

Steward noted she didn't have another option to suggest.

"We can try them," board member Scott Crumpecker said of MSBA. "If we don't like them, we don't have to use them in the future. Considering the cost, I think it's worth trying."

This also gives the Board another year to research if there are other providers of the same service, Crumpecker said, adding that he does agree a facilitator is needed for the retreat.

In a unanimous vote, the Board then approved MSBA as the option for the retreat.

Also on Tuesday, the Board approved the Career Ladder Plan, which reflected changes to remove the section dealing with job targets of teachers.

Williams said the Board will amend the Career Ladder Plan at next month's meeting to reflect the national board certification recognition of the district's speech-language pathologists.
