Another tax issue. I am a big fan of Drew Juden and any police officer and firefighter. Enough is enough. Sales tax is the fairest tax where everybody contributes something, but you can wear a good thing out. Chief Juden, you said a starting salary was $33,000 a year with perks. No matter what you pay a person at any job, they will still be working to get more money and better themselves. You cannot buy loyalty. We disabled and retired people are being nickeled and dimed to death. I think everyone that works for a governmental entity should get the same cost of living allowance as we retired people get through Social Security. We get maybe 1.3 percent every few years, usually around reelection time. I wrote this a few weeks ago, but I hold everything I write for awhile to let it simmer because of my care for law enforcement. Today I received notice that we seniors do not get a cost of living allowance this year. Also, I received my drug insurance saying it has increased 45 percent. So the seniors keep going backward, so the young people keep moving forward. Again, how much you pay a person can't buy you love or loyalty. I tried both. They were always looking for the rainbow. In closing, Chief Juden, you do a great job and are a great leader. But a great leader knows how to get the most out of what he has to work with. You and me and everybody knows that you are the most well-equipped and educated of many cities.
I agree with the comments we are not trying to buy love or loyalty...we are trying to compete with other agencies in the area to hire qualified Public Safety Officer. The officers that currently serve have not got a COLA adjustment either and they have been taking the same pay cuts that you elude to. -- Drew Juden, Director of Sikeston DPS.
I'm calling to find out if there is anybody in the Sikeston area that can help me with training my dog. He's a year and a half old, and I need a dog whisperer. He chews everything up, no matter what it is. Also, I cannot potty train him. I've had him for six months and he continually keeps getting worse. If you can help me, leave your number in SpeakOut and I will get back with you.
In response to "Mail call" on Oct. 2, I am a former mail carrier. We all knew our jobs and cared about doing them correctly and efficiently. You need to look at the management. Used to be, management knew how to correctly run the office. Nowadays it's about power and 'Look at me, I'm important.' On the upper levels, post master general and on down, get so much money and make nitpicking a priority. Yes, carriers get tired of all the B.S. It used to be a wonderful place to work.
I'd like to speakout about Sikeston DPS. I notice that they are always posted up on Murray Lane and the west end of town. It's amazing how they always target the black community, but they are never ever posted up on Salcedo or North Main. I never see them on that end of town. It would be nice to see Sikeston DPS serve the entire community. It's amazing how they just target the black community.
You need to get out more. Public Safety is equally active in all parts of the community. Get your facts straight.
This is to all the parents that are griping on Facebook about trying to help their child with Common Core math. Instead of griping on Facebook, stand up, take off work (you'll have to because the board meetings are scheduled for 4:30) and attend the board meeting. Tell the board members you've elected the problems you are encountering and see if they seem to give a rip or give you a straight answer.