BLYTHEVILLE, Ark. - The general manager of the local Lowe's Home Improvement is accused of embezzling almost $8,000 from the company.
Antonio Sellers was arraigned in Blytheville District Court Monday on the theft charges.
Lowe's notified the Blytheville Police Department of an internal embezzlement investigation on Dec. 17.
According to Capt. Scott Adams, the BPD Criminal Investigations Division Commander, a loss-prevention manager said he had tracked down 31 separate transactions that had occurred since August 2015 which were "fraudulent in nature."
"The complainant completed an affidavit alleging that the general manager of Lowe's, Mr. Antonio Sellers, had falsified cash-refund pay outs which resulted in the loss of $7,999.16," Adams said in a press release. "Video surveillance, copies of receipts, and a written confession from the defendant were forwarded to an investigator with the Blytheville Police Department."
The affidavit and evidence were presented to the Office of the Deputy Prosecuting Attorney and an affidavit was approved.
A warrant for Sellers arrest was issued on Dec. 21.
Police contacted Sellers, who surrendered himself. Sellers was then released on his own recognizance, and advised that he would need to appear for a probable cause hearing on Monday, when he was bound over to Circuit Court with the same bond. His next court date will be Jan. 27.