December 29, 2015

ST. LOUIS (AP) -- Flooding along the Mississippi River is an almost annual event at many locations, though it's typically in the spring or summer. An expert on flooding says high water in the cold is different. Unlike a spring or summer flood, there is little grass and few crops to help absorb all the added moisture. Paul Rylund, a hydrologist for the U.S. Geological Survey in Missouri, says that allows water to flow more freely, worsening flash flooding...

ST. LOUIS (AP) -- Flooding along the Mississippi River is an almost annual event at many locations, though it's typically in the spring or summer. An expert on flooding says high water in the cold is different.

Unlike a spring or summer flood, there is little grass and few crops to help absorb all the added moisture. Paul Rylund, a hydrologist for the U.S. Geological Survey in Missouri, says that allows water to flow more freely, worsening flash flooding.

Rylund says the one bright spot is that the unseasonable warmth of the season means that the ground isn't frozen, so the water will eventually sink in.
