August 31, 2015

August 2015 Monthly Report Fire Department City Incidents- 1 8-18-15: Firemen responding- 16; Location- 302 Haynes Dr.; Structure Fire. Rural Incidents- 5 8-04-15: Firemen responding- 5; Location- State Hwy. YY; Vehicle Fire. 8-04-15: Firemen responding- 14; Location- Noranda Metal Services; Explosion/Fire...

August 2015

Monthly Report

Fire Department

City Incidents- 1

8-18-15: Firemen responding- 16; Location- 302 Haynes Dr.; Structure Fire.

Rural Incidents- 5

8-04-15: Firemen responding- 5; Location- State Hwy. YY; Vehicle Fire.

8-04-15: Firemen responding- 14; Location- Noranda Metal Services; Explosion/Fire.

8-07-15: Firemen responding- 8; Location- Rainbow City; Vehicle Fire.

8-18-15: Firemen responding- 16; Location- Hwy. 61 South; Structure Fire.

8-31-15: Firemen responding- 6; Location- I-55 NB at MM 37.2; Tractor-Trailer Fire.

First Responders

City Incidents- 0

Rural Incidents- 0

Mutual aid- 0

Extrications - 1

8-29-15: Firemen responding- 10; Location- Hwy. 162 West; Vehicle Accident.

The regular monthly meeting of the Portageville Fire Department was held August 31, 2015 at the Portageville Fire Station with 11 members present.

signed, Bill Foster, Chief
