SIKESTON - Heavy rainfall could create potential lawn problems here in Sikeston, but not the problems most residents may think.
When the ground is soft, mowers can compact soil, the wheels may cause ruts, fungus could spread and large clumps of cut grass could further kill grass underneath. There may even be a surplus in weeds.
But, according to landscaping specialist, David Bizzell of Bizzell Nursery Co., the biggest lawn problems are moles.
"I get three or four calls a day about moles...I've seen more now than the last few months," said Bizzell. "They're hyperactive now."
It's mating season for them, adding more pressure to hunt, he explained.
Moles are insectivores. Their diet includes earthworms grubs and insects, which thrive in moist areas. With the recent rainfall, it's making their food source more readily available.
A well-saturated garden could be a good reason for a mole to redirect its food source.
Getting rid of these little blind creatures can be a little tricky, too.
"They're tough," said Blizzell. "They wreak havoc on plants. They nest in flower beds and create air pockets around root systems of plants, giving them too much air. It dries them out."
Extensive measures are made in removing moles. Blizzell said they have used traps, placed poison peanuts in tunnels and sprayed insecticide to deplete their food supply.
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