I am calling in regard to the ditch behind Kindergarten. I went to an Open House there and there's nothing but weeds and water. I probably got 20 mosquito bites trying to get in my car. Does the city not watch TV about the Zika virus or even mosquitoes in general? Shouldn't they take care of this with the kids back in school?
Obama said that he was going to fundamentally transform America. And boy, has he. I hardly recognize this great country that I loved. Why would the Democrats support the killer group Black Lives Matter and support transgender bathrooms where men can go in the bathroom where little girls are and support illegal aliens and Syrian refugees coming across our border that ISIS has threatened they will infiltrate to kill Americans. This anti-Israel stance that they have and pro-Palestine, which is totally against the Bible. He has really transformed America. It is a shame. It is a shame that America, if Hillary Clinton is elected, will fall into the deepest rabbit hole this country has ever known. We will never recover from it. I predict a great depression where everyone will be broke. There will not be food. She will cause nothing but economic disaster for this country. Illegal immigrants and refugees are getting Welfare and food stamps, housing, Obamacare, every government assistance afforded to them. Yet there are American citizens that need this help. And we have veterans who are being told to stand in line behind these perverts who want to have sex change operations in our military. How disgusting! What are you people thinking? What is the Democrat party thinking? These are not Democrats. These are socialist anarchists.
You can't have my country. You can't take my guns. You can't take my religion. And I don't want your handouts.
I can't understand why the government in the cities and the towns worry about fixing up the parks and fixing up something stupid when they should be helping people get jobs. Help them fix up their houses. Help people get food. I saw on TV while ago where they had this one park that needed $100 million to get it up to date. Well, my God, that's ridiculous! They could use that to help lots of people and do lots of good. They can go to a park without having it look like a palace or something. The government needs to get on the ball and do something with their money besides fix parks. That's utterly ridiculous.