September 4, 2016

I'm calling in regard to an article in SpeakOut, "Sounding the trumpet." The caller says anyone that claims to be a Christian could not vote for Trump because he's an evil person. I wish you could explain to me how anyone claiming to be a Christian could vote for anyone who supports abortion...

Explain Christian values

I'm calling in regard to an article in SpeakOut, "Sounding the trumpet." The caller says anyone that claims to be a Christian could not vote for Trump because he's an evil person. I wish you could explain to me how anyone claiming to be a Christian could vote for anyone who supports abortion.

Hasn't got a clue

Once again I am mesmerized by an article in SpeakOut, "Sounding the trumpet." Another absolute, uninformed, uneducated apparently idiot that has no clue what Trump stands for. They are saying he is not a Christian. How do they know? Perhaps they should read the Bible and find out something about themselves.

Worst deal ever

The Iran nuclear deal negotiated by Hillary Clinton and Obama is the worst deal ever completed in American history. We gave Iran $150 billion. While they are using that money they have 100,000 troops in Iraq. If ISIS is defeated in Iraq, we are only replacing ISIS with a regime that constantly shouts and rants, "Death to America" and "Death to Israel." Obama and Hillary hate Israel. Read your Bibles, people.

Booed who?

The Democrats booed God at the 2012 Democrat Convention. Go on to your computer and type in 2012 Democrat Convention booing God and read the story. These people are against Israel. At the 2016 convention, they had a flag of Palestine and the flag of Russia flying. They had no police officers. No police could be in uniform at their convention. They were full of Black Lives Matter and all of these other radical anarchists.
