SIKESTON -- There was a light agenda during the Sikeston Council meeting on Monday.
The Council took the following actions:
Award of Lease-Purchase Agreement: Council conducted the first reading of Bill 6037. Upon its second reading and passage this legislation will authorize the city to enter into a four-year finance agreement with U.S. Bancorp for the lease-purchase of a street sweeper for $204,500 with a 1.69 percent interest rate.
Establishment of "No Parking" zones on Edward Avenue between Malone Avenue and Garwood: At the request of area residents and Tetra Pak management, Council adopted this measure establishing no parking zones on both sides of Edward Avenue.
Rezoning Request, 631 North West Street: Based on public input received during their meeting, the Planning and Zoning Commission did not recommend Council approval of this rezoning request. No motion was received to approve this measure.
Boards and Commissions appointments: Matt Marshall was reappointed to a third term on the Tax Increment Financing Commission. Holly Greene was appointed to her first term on the SEMO University -- Sikeston Campus Advisory Council.
The Council convened into executive session to discuss property issues.
The next meeting of the City Council will be Monday.