October 1, 2016

Missourians encouraged to 'Drop, Cover, Hold On' during statewide drill

(Editor's Note: with recent earthquake rumblings throughout the tri-state area, the U.S. ShakeOut could not come at a better time. You are encouraged to not only talk with your family on what you should prepare for, during, and after an earthquake but start making a disaster relief kit. Make sure all know know where it is and how to use it.)

Registration is open for the 2016 Great Central U. S. "ShakeOut" earthquake drill on Oct. 20. More than 450,000 Missourians are already registered to participate in the annual drill, which teaches people how to protect themselves in an earthquake. More than two million people are signed up in 14 central U.S. states that could be impacted by a major New Madrid Seismic Zone earthquake.

Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drills encourage everyone to come together and take action now to improve how well they can respond to the next disaster. September is National Preparedness Month and can serve as a lead-up to the International ShakeOut Day, which is always on the third Thursday of October.

Participation in ShakeOut is a commitment to practicing Drop, Cover, and Hold On for one minute no matter where you are.

DROP to your hands and knees, under a table or a desk if you can;

COVER your head and neck with your hands and arms; and

HOLD ON until the shaking stops.

Experts say Drop, Cover, Hold On is the best way to protect yourself from falling debris, which is the most likely cause of injury during an earthquake in developed nations with modern building standards.....

For the rest of the story, please see this week's print edition.
