April 13, 2017

The Portageville FFA Chapter competed at District FFA contests on March 30 and April 1. The contests were held in Cape Girardeau at the Show-Me Center and the Cape Career and Technical Center. Portageville members competed in Dairy Foods Evaluation, Livestock Judging, FFA knowledge, Dairy Cattle Judging and Extemporaneous Speaking. ...

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The Portageville FFA Chapter competed at District FFA contests on March 30 and April 1. The contests were held in Cape Girardeau at the Show-Me Center and the Cape Career and Technical Center. Portageville members competed in Dairy Foods Evaluation, Livestock Judging, FFA knowledge, Dairy Cattle Judging and Extemporaneous Speaking. In front, from left are, Shay West, Terry Kirkwood, Lisa Allen; back are, Courtney Hunt, Presley Thompson, Destinee Adams, and Liz Compere. Not pictured is Joey Chamberlain.
