SIKESTON - State Representative Holly Rehder was optimistic in discussing economic prospects for the area at the Sikeston Regional Chamber of Commerce breakfast on Thursday.
Missouri is getting more looks from business due to the recent passage of a right to work law, according to Rehder.
"Smith & Wesson is coming to Columbia, and several businesses are looking locally at the possibility of bringing jobs to our community," said Rehder. "Progress continues to be made in bringing a steel smelter to New Madrid, and in restoring the jobs lost from the Noranda closing."
Rehder expects a right-to-work veto referendum to be on the Nov. 18 ballot which would change the right-to-work law in Missouri if passed.
Rehder also discussed Missouri's efforts at controlling the abuse of prescription medication.
"We are making progress in controlling the misuse of prescription medication," said Rehder. "Sixty percent of Missouri's counties have passed rules allowing doctors to have access to patient records, which is an important step in managing this public health concern."
Rehder is running for speaker of the Missouri House of Representatives. "I am the only business owner among those seeking the position of speaker," said Rehder.
She is traveling the state gathering support in her bid for the speaker's position, which is elected a year in advance of the term.
Mike Marshall, CEO of the Sikeston Regional Chamber of Commerce, introduced Marcie Lawson as the new executive director of the Chamber.
"We are pleased to have Marcie as part of the Chamber, and look forward to her contribution," Marshall said
MRV banks hosted the breakfast with about 50 people in attendance.