WARDELL, Mo. -- Bobbie Lewis, 65, died Dec. 16, 2016, at Baptist Memorial Hospital.
Born July 7, 1951, in Kennett, to the late Juanita Clifton and Maurice Clifton, she had served in the U.S. Air. Force, was a member of the Red Hat Society and the Church of Christ of Wardell, and a veteran of the U.S. Air Force.
Survivors include: one son, Ernie (Stacy) Lewis of Portageville; one brother, Chris Clifton of Wardell; two sisters, Jeanie Sandage and Leeann of Poplar Bluff; and one grandchild.
In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by two brothers, Carlos Clifton and John Mooneyhan.
Visitation is from 9 a.m. until time of service at 11 a.m. Monday at DeLisle Funeral Home in Portageville.
Burial will follow in the Wardell Cemetery.
Online condolences may be sent at delislefuneralhome.net.