July 20, 2017

MINER, Mo - An ordinance was amended by the Miner Board of Aldermen in its regular meeting on Tuesday changing the city's hiring policy. The new law, which is ordinance 1183, will exclude part time employees from the codified hiring policy allowing Miner department leaders to hire part-time and seasonal workers without going through an interviewing committee...

MINER, Mo - An ordinance was amended by the Miner Board of Aldermen in its regular meeting on Tuesday changing the city's hiring policy.

The new law, which is ordinance 1183, will exclude part time employees from the codified hiring policy allowing Miner department leaders to hire part-time and seasonal workers without going through an interviewing committee.

In other business, the Board held a discussion of drainage issues and possible solutions for the accumulation of water near East Malone and Gilmore Streets.

The Board discussed the importance of resolving the problem as soon as possible.

Expanding the size of drainage facilities in the area was among the possible solutions.

Board members are considering having the city purchase the necessary drainage facilities and having the city perform the work as a possible cost saving method.

"I have seen customers wade through ankle deep water to put gas in their cars at Larry's Pit Stop," said alderman Don Foster.

Alderman Bill James volunteered to assist the city in gathering information on possible solutions to the drainage problem.

A decision on the course of action was tabled until the next meeting to give the city an opportunity ascertain the cost of box culverts and round culverts and to assess the city's ability to perform the required work.

The board will also contact MoDOT about the possibility of involving MoDOT in some remediation.

The higher temperatures have caused some concrete streets to expand with some damage to residents driveways.

One resident said the expansion has caused a crack in his foundation.

A discussion followed as to whether it was the city's obligation or the property owners obligation to repair the damage from street expansion.

The board agreed to cut sections from certain affected driveways to allow for seasonal expansion. Private owners would then be responsible for the placement of fill material in the expansion joint.

Bill Foster, a member of Sen. Wade Wallingford staff, was introduced by his nephew, alderman Don Foster. Bill Foster is appearing at town hall meetings around the district to stay abreast of issues concerning the district.
