NEW MADRID, Mo. - The New Madrid City Council will meet at 7:30 p.m. Monday in the city council room at City Hall. Items on the agenda are:
1. Call to order
Old business
1. Minutes of the Dec. 28 council meeting.
New business
1. Visitors (All visitors wishing to address the council, must complete an information card and submit it to the City Clerk before the meeting begins.)
2. Bill 18-1285 Ordinance 1285 to amend Section 22-1 of the city's fee schedule to change the assessment of a $10 late fee when the 15th falls on a holiday for which City Hall is closed to 6 p.m. on the following work day.
3. A resolution authorizing an agreement with Deep South Fire Truck of Seminary, Miss., for the conversion of the tanker truck to a fully functional fire truck at a cost of $119,824.
4. A resolution authorizing an agreement with Landmark Dodge of Independence to
purchase five 2018 Dodge Charger patrol cars for $137,980.
5. A resolution authorizing an agreement with Don Brown Chevrolet of St. Louis to purchase a 2018 Chevrolet Tahoe 4-wheel drive for $40,300.
6. A resolution authorizing the agreement with Stalker Radar of Richardson, Texas, to purchase a Stalker Patrol 2 antenna package and clamp mount for $7,579.75.
7. Liquor license for Casey's General Store for Sunday sales and package liquor.
8. Liquor license for Dollar General Store for package liquor.
9. City administrator's report.
Closed session, if requested.