October 10, 2018

The month of October is designated for honoring multiple causes, but one important and sometimes overlooked observation is that in addition to being widely known as Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the month of October is also Domestic Violence Awareness Month...

Trina Bell

The month of October is designated for honoring multiple causes, but one important and sometimes overlooked observation is that in addition to being widely known as Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the month of October is also Domestic Violence Awareness Month.

The Bootheel Regional Anti-Violence Experiment, also known as “B.R.A.V.E.” is for women and children who are victims of domestic and/or sexual violence. The B.R.A.V.E. shelter in Malden provides comprehensive shelter services to women and children who are victims and are looking to remove themselves from these abusive situations.

“The B.R.A.V.E. shelter opened in October of 2010 and has been helping victims of sexual and domestic violence ever since,” said Dorthy Doby, the BRAVE Center’s Victim Advocate.

“The shelter is available and was established to help those individuals who are experiencing any form of domestic or sexual violence,” she added.

There are a variety of services offered during the available 90-day stay at the B.R.A.V.E. Shelter which includes, access to clothing, meals, basic needs items, transportation, life skills classes, support groups, housing, and job searches, victim advocacy, as well as, follow up services after leaving the shelter.

The B.R.A.V.E. Shelter is a non-profit organization which provides these services to victims in six different counties, which include: Dunklin, Mississippi, New Madrid, Pemiscot, Stoddard and Scott Counties.

The B.R.A.V.E shelter operates under the Delta Area Economic Opportunity Corporation (DAEOC), with their mission centered around providing appropriate programs and services to empower people by making positive changes in their community, family and personal lives in order to achieve and maintain self-sufficiency.

The program was designed to give victims an outlet and assure them they have a place to come to where they can feel safe while talking confidentially to someone who will offer resources and stability so they do not feel threatened or feel they are alone with no one to turn to.

All services are provided free of charge and are on a non-discriminatory basis. If you or someone you know are a victim of sexual or domestic violence, you can call and get community referrals and resources.

The shelter accepts referrals from various agencies, individuals, schools, law enforcement, and court officials, to name a few. There is no cost to the participant for the services provided at or by the B.R.A.V.E. shelter.

Remember, domestic and sexual violence occurs in every neighborhood throughout the United States. Know the signs and know when to step in and help. If you or someone you know is in need of help, you can call the hotline at (866) 863-7628.
