SIKESTON — A Sikeston man and Illinois man face felony charges for an alleged kidnapping and burglary with the use of a weapon over the weekend.
Brandon Johnson, 31, of Sikeston and Thomas Evans, 29, of Bellwood, Ill., are each charged with felony first-degree kidnapping, armed criminal action, first-degree burglary, unlawful use of a weapon and unlawful possession (previous felon) of a weapon.
At 12:15 p.m. Saturday officers with Sikeston Department of Public Safety responded to the 500 block of South New Madrid Street in reference to an alleged first-degree burglary and kidnapping, according to Sgt. Jon Broom, public information officer with DPS.
Upon their arrival, officers met with the alleged female victims and two witnesses who said they had visited three people — Johnson, Evans and another female victim — Friday evening at a motel in Miner, Broom said.
“The next morning one of the victims was contacted by phone accusing her of stealing his cash. The victim denied the accusations made by Johnson. Later she returned home and exited her vehicle when she was confronted by Johnson and Evans,” Broom said.
The victim reported they drove up in a black van, jumped out and tried to force her into the van at gun point. They, again, confronted her about stealing cash from them and she again denied the allegations, according to reports.
At this time, the victim said both Johnson and Evans led her into her home at gunpoint and confronted the other female victim about the missing money. Both victims alleged that Johnson threatened to harm them and their family if they did not return their cash, Broom said.
During this struggle, witnesses reported hearing Johnson and Evans yelling and called police. The witnesses said once they contacted police, Johnson and Evans fled the scene.
When officers arrived, they learned of a third female who was inside the van Johnson and Evans were driving, Broom said. She was reported to be nude and had a minor injury to her facial area. This female victim alleged she had been held against her will by Johnson and Evans. Victims’ names are not being released at this time, according to Broom.
Johnson and Evans were arrested and are being held in at the Scott County Jail with bond set at $75,000 cash only. They are scheduled to be arraigned Wednesday in Scott County Circuit Court.