BENTON, Mo. — A Blodgett native who evolved into a nature photographer and conservationist has published a nonprofit book featuring some of his favorite and never-before-seen work.
Billy Dodson, a 1974 graduate of Kelly High School in Benton, has captured images of wildlife, landscapes and people during several trips to Southern Africa in recent years. His work has been published in magazines, newspapers, posters and calendars around the world.
On Wednesday Dodson’s sisters, Vicki LeGrand and Christy LeGrand, presented Kelly High School library media specialist Amanda Noyes with a personally signed copy of their brother’s book, “From Desert to Desert: A Journey Through the Heart of Southern Africa.”
When Dodson was home at Christmas, he brought a copy of his book to his sisters and asked that they deliver it to their alma mater, they recalled. The sisters then contacted the school and arranged the meeting.
Noyes said she was excited to add the new book to the library’s collection and couldn’t wait to share it with students. Not only are Dodson’s photographs beautiful, she said, but his story of success is one that can resonate with the students because, after all, he was just like them at one time.
“He is a real-life example for the students,” Noyes said. “His preparing for the future and the hard work he’s put into place where he could do this is a great lesson for everyone.”
After graduating from Kelly, Dodson went to college and earned a degree in general studies. He jointed Officer Candidate School in Rhode Island and worked his way up to captain, retiring a few years ago, his sisters said. Now he works for a naval contractor, and he does photography on the side.
Dodson first became interested in photography while on a mountain climbing trip to Tanzania and Kilimanjaro in 2001.
“After he got back and started looking at his pictures, that was when he realized what he loved — photography,” Christy LeGrand said. “Then he started going back to Africa a couple times a year.”
Dodson visited Africa for the first time as a photographer in 2005 and has since returned many times for the purpose of photographing the continent’s wildlife, landscapes and cultures.
According to Savanna Images, Dodson’s book is a personal memoir and photographic study of six distinct countries and regions in sub-Saharan Africa: Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Zambezi River Valley and Namibia.
The 191-page book features images of Southern Africa’s wildlife, landscapes and people. Among his favorite animals to photograph are elephants and giraffes, his sisters said. Dodson’s photos often show mothers and the love they show for their young, his sisters noted.
“He’s grown from a being a photographer to a conservationist,” Christy LeGrand said. “It’s opened his eyes to the poaching and all of the animals that die needlessly.”
Dodson’s book highlights Africa’s wildlife and the imminent dangers to their habitats, but it also celebrates the continent’s wild areas and animals.
The primary purpose of Dodson’s work is to advance the cause of wildlife conservation so he donates his images to the African Wildlife Foundation, the Nature Conservancy and a number of similar organizations, the “Desert to Desert” book jacket said. Dodson is also a supporter and patron of the Giraffe Conservation Foundation, a non-profit organization that is deeply committed to preserving and expanding giraffe habitat throughout Africa.
“He’s always wanted to publish a book of his work,” Christy LeGrand said, adding her brother’s book is not for profit.
In fact, all profits generated from the sale of Dodson’s book will be donated to the African Wildlife Foundation.
Dodson dedicated the book to the memory of his parents, Ruth and Bill Dodson. He currently lives with his wife, Cynthia, in Williamsburg, Va.
Dodson’s sisters said images in their brother’s book capture his passion for photography.
“He just enjoys it,” Christy LeGrand said about her brother. “He loves it.”
To view images of Dodson’s work or to purchase a copy of “Desert to Desert,” visit or his Facebook page: “Billy Dodson, Nature Photographer - Savanna Images.”