__Where is the flag?__
Hey Mr. Jensen, maybe you can find out for us. The Eagles club always had an American flag flying. They just don’t do it anymore. Maybe you can find out the reason why.
__Ivy League students aren’t so smart__
I’ve often wondered how those people from Yale and Harvard could be so dumb. Now I know.
__Do your research before you vote__
Let me just get to the point. The Democrat party is way too far left. If you vote Democrat now and in the future, you are voting not only for socialism, but totalitarianism. Be very careful what you vote for, you may get it. I advise all voting Democrats to read about and maybe even go to a socialist country before voting in the next election in 2020. Also, all students need to read your history. If you don’t know it, you are bound to repeat it. God bless America.