SIKESTON — As the longtime general manager of the Standard Democrat readies for retirement, another 40-year executive has been named to fill the role.
Effective in late July, Don Culbertson Jr. will no longer be active as the general manager, and DeAnna Nelson will assume those responsibilities. The announcement was recently made by Jon K. Rust, co-president of Rust Communications, which owns the Standard Democrat.
“DeAnna and the Standard-Democrat crew are a great team and serve our area well,” Culbertson said. “They will take this Bootheel institution to the next level of service. It has truly been a rewarding experience.”
Nelson, a 1979 graduate of Sikeston High School, has literally worked her way through the ranks of the Sikeston newspaper. She started at The Daily Standard in June 1980 as a temporary classified advertisement fill-in for an employee on maternity leave.
“I loved the newspaper business from my very first day,” Nelson recalled. “When my temp job ended, I was moved as needed within the paper, hoping to hang on until a full-time job came open.”
During her first year, Nelson said she worked inserting advertisements in the circulation department, typing for the newsroom and working in the composition department, helping paste-up pages. Nelson noted she has basically worked in every department except the press room.
After about a year of helping where needed, Nelson landed a full-time job back in classified and was there for about five years. She later moved to the display advertising department as a walk-in sales clerk and proof runner.
“Selling advertising became my love as I moved into the ranks as junior salesperson, senior salesperson and later advertising manager, which I’ve held for a number of years along with front office and business manager,” Nelson said.
The industry has changed so much over the past 39 years, she noted.
“I’ve met so many good people and made so many good friends through my customers which I will always cherish and be here for them in the future,” Nelson said. “With newspapers evolving daily, I find this next chapter of my newspaper career quite a challenge, but I’m ready.
She continued: “Filling Don’s shoes will not be possible, ever. He is the best mentor anyone in our industry could ever have. He has taught me so much. I can only hope to walk in the path he made for me and branch out the different directions our industry takes us.”
Rust, whose father once owned the newspaper at one point with Culbertson and longtime publisher Mike Jensen, added: “Don has been a caring leader for the operation and a good friend. He has developed a talented staff. We look forward to continuing to serve Sikeston well with a strong product, locally managed by DeAnna with the news leadership of Leonna (Heuring) and David (Jenkins).”
Nelson has been married for 25 years to Donnie Nelson, and they have one daughter, Meghan Nelson, 24.
In the meantime, Nelson said she looks forward to transitioning into her new role and continue providing a quality news source for the region.
“We have a great ‘family’ crew at the paper,” Nelson said. “They are what makes us successful, and with their help, this will continue for many years to come.”