SIKESTON — Ten girls will be vying for the title of Miss Cotton Carnival at 1:30 p.m. Saturday at the American Legion Cotton Carnival held at the Sikeston Jaycee Bootheel Rodeo Grounds.
Madelyn Elledge, 17, of Sikeston, attends Notre Dame Regional High School. The daughter of Kendall Anderson and Roger Elledge II, her school activities include varsity cheerleading, Blue Crew, FBLA, FCCLA, Fanciscan Leadership Club, Women’s Service Club and Peer Helper.
Madison Fetters, 15, of Sikeston, attends Kelly High School. The daughter of Erica and Chad Fetters is a member of FFA and FCCLA.
Lauren Graham, 17, of Bernie, Mo., attends Bernie High School. The daughter of Cecily and Jackie Graham, her school activities include volleyball, cheerleading, yearbook, FCA, FBLA, student council and park board member.
Emily Hairston, 16, of Sikeston, attends Sikeston High School. The daughter of Mitch and Mandy Hairston, her school activities include: Red Peppers, DECA, Skills USA, FCA, Link Crew member and student council.
Armani Hodges, 16, of Sikeston, attends Sikeston High School. The daughter of Armand and Sheanell Hodges, her school activities include varsity volleyball, varsity basketball, varsity track and field, student council, Key Club, Model UN, FBLA, FCA, ASTRA, college ambassador, DECA and Bulldog Leadership team.
Tamyia Johnson, 16, of Sikeston, attends Sikeston High School. The daughter of Tiffany and Myron Hardin and Dion Davis, her school activities include cheerleader, Red Peppers, track, marching band, A+ Program, FBLA, FCA, Key Club, Link Crew and ASTRA.
Clara Riley, 17, of Sikeston, attends Sikeston High School. The daughter of Trey and Lela Riley, her school activities include cheerleader and FFA.
Zoe Robison, 15, of Sikeston, attends Sikeston High School. The daughter of Bobby Robison and Lacy Robison, her school activities include cheerleading, soccer, Red Peppers, band, Model UN, FCA and ASTRA.
Khrystionna Swann, 16, of Sikeston, attends Sikeston High School. The daughter of Kendra Fernandez and Roger Swann, her school activities include varsity volleyball, golf, Red Peppers, student council, FBLA, FCA, A+ Program, foreign language and Skills USA.
Kassidy Tinnin, 16, of Sikeston, attends Sikeston High School. The daughter of Jeff and Jessica Tinnin, her school activities include FBLA, DECA, Model UN and Red Peppers.