Ugly American kills local possum
Why would someone deliberately, and it had to be deliberate, run over a little possum on Wallace last night? I happen to know that possum has a baby. You’re the kind of ugly killer American I hate. I hate you. And I hope you come to a bad end. There are two three letter anagrams that apply to you and one of them starts with S and other one ends with one. And I hope you get your just desserts for wantonly killing a creature who does you no harm, whatsoever. You’re the kind of American we need to be rid of.
Marijuana bad, legalized or not
Hello Southeast Missouri, hello Miner. I see in today’s Wednesday’s paper of the comment that I put in there about medical marijuana. I know Mr. Editor that the state approved it immensely because they don’t know how to make anymore income on their own, so they’re going to have to go through the backdoor and legalize dope to cover their behinds. So, in saying that, that’s what I said about this. I still won’t vote for it. I don’t care about our legislature and our stuff like that because that’s why they did it. I do thank you for putting it in the paper. I hope you put this in there. Anyway, have a great day, God bless America.
Armory Park a natural prairie now?
Yes, I was just wondering, is the city trying to turn the Armory Park into a natural prairie since it hasn’t been mowed since about June?