DEXTER, Mo. — The Dexter R-11 Board of Education has announced that Mrs. Amy James will become the newest Superintendent of the Dexter R-11 School District effective July 1, 2020.
She will be replacing current superintendent C.A. Counts, who will be retiring at the end of the school year.
Board President Jim Reiker stated, “We are very pleased to have someone of Mrs. James’ professional background and integrity to lead our district into the years ahead. With her background as a teacher, principal, special services director and interim superintendent and with her 20 years of education experience including seven years here in the Dexter district, Mrs. James is the ideal person to move our district forward, as we continue to strive to make the district the best it can be for our students, staff and the community.”
James commented on her selection, “I am honored to be chosen for the position of Superintendent of the Dexter Public Schools. I have grown tremendously as an educational leader because of my current years of service at the Dexter Schools. I look forward to working collaboratively with the school board, staff, parents, students and the community. In my leadership I will be committed to a ‘student first’ mindset to continue moving our district in a positive direction and improving education outcomes for all students.”