March 10, 2020

SIKESTON — Friday marks the 78th anniversary of the opening of Lambert’s Cafe, but the Sikeston staple will be celebrating more than just their anniversary. At a luncheon Friday, the restaurant will also receive the inaugural Hospitality Award of Excellence...

By David Jenkins/Standard Democrat

SIKESTON — Friday marks the 78th anniversary of the opening of Lambert’s Cafe, but the Sikeston staple will be celebrating more than just their anniversary. At a luncheon Friday, the restaurant will also receive the inaugural Hospitality Award of Excellence.

The award, which will be presented annually by the Sikeston Convention and Visitors Bureau, recognizes Lambert’s for their outstanding contribution to the tourism and hospitality industry.

“The idea (of the award) was brought to us by a Chamber member to shine the spotlight on and recognize businesses, organizations or individuals that make a positive impact on the tourism and hospitality industry in our area,” said Kathy Medley, executive vice president of the Sikeston Regional Chamber. “It’s something that has, to our knowledge, never been done and we felt it was a great idea.

Nationally known as the “Home of the Throwed Rolls,” Lambert’s first opened March 13, 1942, and was a logical first recipient for the award.

“Lambert’s Café has been a staple in the Sikeston community since 1942,” Medley said. “They are a fourth generation family-owned business. Lambert’s averages 16,000 visitors a week. It was a natural to choose them as the first recipient to receive this award.”

“We feel extremely honored and grateful and proud to keep the family tradition going,” said Scott Lambert, president of Lambert’s Cafe.

Earl and Agnes Lambert opened the original Lambert’s Cafe after starting out as sharecroppers and later working at the International Shoe Company in Sikeston. In 1942, with only 14 cents to their name, they borrowed $1,500 and opened the original restaurant. Despite it being the middle of World War II with times tough for everyone, Earl offered plenty of “fixings” at a reasonable price and Lambert’s got more and more popular.

The Lambert’s used today is the fourth to be located in the Sikeston. Each move from the original building came as the popularity of the restaurant increased and more and more space was needed.

In 1976, Norman Lambert threw the first roll at the original location. Norman was known for walking around, handing out rolls. One day, the restaurant was extremely busy and when he couldn’t get through the crowd, one of the customers yelled at him to “just throw the d*** thing.” With that, the “Home of the Throwed Rolls” was born.

Today, Lambert’s Cafe serves an average of 16,000 visitors a week and employees will throw two million rolls, go through 12,000 pounds of Arkansas okra and 290,000 pounds of potatoes in a year. On average, 2.500-3,000 planes fly into the Sikeston Airport to dine at Lambert’s each year.

“According to the Missouri Division of Tourism overnight visitors spent an average of $100 per person per day, day trippers spent an average of $93 per person, per day in 2019,” Medley said. “Any business that can draw visitors to our community that will spend dollars here makes a positive impact on our economy, and we certainly feel that Lambert’s Café has made a positive impact on our community and the economy.”

“We try and keep up the same traditions, good food, good service and many great co-workers that help us keep going,” Lambert said, noting that his son Scotty makes up the fourth generation and has a vital role in keeping the family tradition going.

Lambert also mentioned two employees that worked with Earl and Agnes Lambert, Ella Buxton and Pam Young.

Besides Buxton and Young, Lambert’s has many other longtime employees. Lee Blissett, JoAnn Blissett, Geneva Bolen, Anthony Timmons, Mike Church, Mary Ann Mallory and Maxine Hill have all been with Lambert’s over 30 years while Kim Robinson, B.J. Thompson, Candace Brown, Adam Russell, Keith Horne and Barbara Razer have all been employed for over 20 years.

Lambert’s Cafe will not only be the first recipient of the award, but the award will be formally named “The Lambert Family Hospitality Award of Excellence” moving forward. A special luncheon will be held at Lambert’s at noon Friday. The public is invited to attend.
