May 14, 2020

The Scott County Health Department reported one new case on Thursday afternoon, giving Scott County 84 positive cases of COVID-19. There are 15 active cases with 63 recovered and six deaths. Of the positive cases in Scott County, 23 of those testing positive have been over the age of 80 and 52 of those testing positive have been female...

By David Jenkins/Standard Democrat

The Scott County Health Department reported one new case on Thursday afternoon, giving Scott County 84 positive cases of COVID-19. There are 15 active cases with 63 recovered and six deaths.

Of the positive cases in Scott County, 23 of those testing positive have been over the age of 80 and 52 of those testing positive have been female.

Currently there are 43 inmates and 14 staff members at the Southeast Correctional Center in Charleston that have tested positive for COVID-19, according to the Missouri Department of Corrections. To reduce risk, the Missouri Department of Corrections has decided to suspend visiting through June 18. At that time, corrections and health administrators will reassess the situation and make decisions about the next steps.

The Mississippi County Health Department reports that 43 of their 46 positive cases are inmates at the prison.

There are 13 positive cases in New Madrid County with three of those active, according to the last report by the New Madrid County Health Department.

Stoddard County has 30 confirmed COVID-19 cases with 10 of those active according to the Stoddard County Public Health Center’s last update.

The stay-at-home order in Pemiscot County has been lifted. After Missouri Gov. Mike Parson lifted the order two weeks ago, Pemiscot County officials elected to continue the stay-at-home due to an increasing number of cases.

On Thursday morning, officials decided to let the order expire at 12:01 a.m. Monday.

Pemiscot County currently has 67 positive COVID-19 with 34 active and five hospitalized according to the Pemiscot County Health Center’s last update.

The Dunklin County Health Department is reporting 24 positive COVID-19 cases.

The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services reports that there are no new cases in the counties of: Bollinger (4), Butler (27) and Cape Girardeau (51).

There are 175 new positive COVID-19 cases in Missouri Thursday with 20 additional deaths. According to the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, there are 10,317 Missourians who have tested positive with 562 deaths.
