Terry Cole and Dennis Ziegenhorn are both candidates for 1st District Scott County Commissioner on the Nov. 3 ballot. Cole is a Republican while Ziegenhorn is a Democrat. The following is a Q&A with each candidate.
__In 100 words or less: Describe your experience/background?__
__Cole:__ I am a lifelong Scott County resident. As a child, my parents were involved in agriculture and other small businesses. I learned at an early age about responsibility and work ethic. In 1975, an automobile accident left me confined to a wheelchair. I met and married Cindy Rolwing in 1982. Cindy and I have owned, managed and operated numerous small businesses over the years. I am a dedicated Christian and Republican. I have been involved with numerous civic organizations such as the Sikeston Rotary, Kenny Rogers Children’s Center and Sikeston Elks. I have held positions on other municipal boards.
__Ziegenhorn:__ I have devoted a lifetime of serving the residents of Scott County and those years have brought tremendous enjoyment by allowing me to help my neighbors in the county I love and have always called home. I spent my younger years involved in a variety of community organizations volunteering to do the essential work in any small community. I was honored to serve as your State Representative in the Missouri Legislature from 1980-94 and have been equally honored to serve as your First District Commissioner for 16 years.
__In 100 words or less: Why are you the best candidate for the job?__
__Cole:__ I have extensive business experience combined with years of municipal government leadership. I have a passion for our region and want to see it succeed. Your commissioner should be forward-thinking and proactive, which I am. My experience has taught me how to develop relationships to move progress forward. By forming partnerships, we can take Scott County to greater successes. Partnering with local communities, business, and ventures has led to successful results for other areas of the country. I think our county should be just as successful in pursuing those relationship to bring new opportunities to our County residents.
__Ziegenhorn:__ Service often begins with experience and, during the past 16 years on the Scott County Commission, I have grown and developed a keen understanding of the countless issues that impact our residents. I have a well-earned reputation of responding to the needs and problems that are brought before the Commission and I know the job involves more than roads, bridges and budgets - it involves addressing the issues that are important to you, I provide my cell phone and home phone number to everyone so that I am always available to hear your concerns, problems and suggestions.
__In 100 words or less: If elected, what is your top priority?__
__Cole:__ My top priority is to improve the well-being of Scott County residents in every aspect. As mentioned, improving the business environment will bring economic and employment opportunities. Taking a genuine interest in the resident’s voices and concerns will lead to overall satisfaction of those that live in the County whether it be concerns over road upkeep, sanitary conditions on properties, or stewardship of County funds. Making Scott County a great place to live and do business is my top priority.
__Ziegenhorn:__ You elect a County Commission first and foremost to assure the financial stability of the county we call home. I am a strong advocate of financial management, while at the same time, assuring that the needs of the citizens are met. I fight hard to maintain a “rainy day” fund but only after the essential needs of our county are met. There will always be needs and wants. I will always first address the needs and, if funds are available, the wants of our county. I will continue to fight for a consolidated 911 dispatching service as I have throughout the years. It saves money, it may save lives and it just makes sense.
__In 100 words or less: How will you use your position to help Scott County recover from the impacts of COVID-19?__
__Cole:__ I believe COVID-19 will have a longer effect than most consider. Businesses have closed, jobs have been cut, and general ways of life have changed. I think the County Commission needs to be a leader in fixing the problems that have arose. Actively pursuing new business and fostering growth of our own local business is key to getting our residents back to work. We should implement legitimate policies for residents and businesses allowing a return to normal life while keeping everyone safe.
__Ziegenhorn:__ I am very proud to report, your County Commission has already provided $3.9 million in virus prevention funds to schools, medical facilities and others this year. Those federal funds were allocated by the State Treasurer and I have personally reached out to those in need to provide this much-needed funding. We have and will continue to fairly and swiftly provide assistance we receive so that our county, and especially our schools, are safe and able to handle students during this pandemic. Should additional fund be available, I will continue to provide the financial assistance needed.
__In 200 words or less: Why should the voters pick you?__
__Cole:__ I will bring a fresh face, original ideas and new passion to the County Commissioner board. In all respects, your County Commissioner is there to serve the residents of the County. Each resident will have their individual concerns which I will not only be available to listen to but will also take an active interest in addressing. Certainly, not every problem can be fixed. However, diligent efforts should be made and residents should be responded to timely. I will be a valuable ambassador for the County in pursuing relationships with business, municipal, and state partners. Finally, I will represent the interest of the County and residents over any other interest that may be involved in County business. This is the job of your representative commissioner.
__Ziegenhorn:__ I take great pride and pleasure in serving my neighbors in Scott County and I ask for your continued support on Nov. 3. The choice of a County Commission is not about political party affiliation. It’s about the individual who has the experience to do the job and a track record of accomplishment. I love this county, have raised our family here and hope to continue providing dedication as your County Commission so my grandchildren can enjoy the same benefits I have been blessed with. We all share in the wish that our county will grow and prosper. And for the past 16 years, I am proud to have played a small role in that growth and prosperity. There are many issues ahead in these challenges times. I have the passion, the devotion and the necessary experience to address those needs. I again ask that you return me as your First District County Commission. I would consider it an honor.