November 15, 2020

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Farmers and crop specialists can hear updates from some of the nation’s leading agricultural researchers Dec. 1-2 at the 2020 University of Missouri Crop Management Conference. Due to Missouri COVID-19 restrictions, this year’s conference is offered live online, said MU Extension weed scientist Kevin Bradley...

Standard Democrat

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Farmers and crop specialists can hear updates from some of the nation’s leading agricultural researchers Dec. 1-2 at the 2020 University of Missouri Crop Management Conference.

Due to Missouri COVID-19 restrictions, this year’s conference is offered live online, said MU Extension weed scientist Kevin Bradley.

Technology discussions lead the conference.

Bradley tells about MU research on electrocuting weeds and grinding seeds to reduce herbicide-resistant weeds. The Seed Terminator and the Weed Zapper are designed to prevent seeds from returning to the soil. Conventional U.S. agriculture has not adopted these nonconventional weed management tools and practices, but Bradley said the technology deserves a look.

Speakers also look at how technology is affecting multiple generations of farmers on the same farm. MU researchers discuss advances in planter technology that allow different planting depths in highly variable soils.

Extension specialists also offer sessions on emerging pests and diseases such as tar spot in corn, which has been confirmed in four Missouri counties. Discussions on how to scout for and detect tar spot can help producers manage this rapidly spreading disease.

Crop experts from three Midwestern universities will discuss research on the effects of too much potassium and improper timing of application.

A valid email address, internet access and the ability to play audio and view presentations are required to participate. Certified Crop Adviser credits are available.

Topics include:

• “35 years of nitrogen management research,” Peter Scharf, University of Missouri.

• “Ag technology across generations,” Terry Griffin, Kansas State University.

• “2021 corn and soybean economics: market and policy drivers,” MU Extension economist Scott Brown.

• “Assessing Missouri fields for fungicide resistant Cercospora sojina isolates, the pathogen of frogeye leaf spot,” Bruna Just and Kaitlynn Bissonnette, University of Missouri.

• “Attract-and-kill management for Japanese beetle,” MU Extension crops entomologist Kevin Rice.

• Electrocuting weeds and grinding up weed seeds—insight into some non-conventional management tools for use in our conventionally minded agricultural systems,” MU Extension weed scientist Kevin Bradley.

• “Emerging diseases in Missouri field crops: a spotlight on corn tar spot,” Kaitlynn Bissonnette, University of Missouri.

• “Comparisons of off-target movement of dicamba and 2,4-D,” Mandy Bish, University of Missouri.

• “Greenhouse gases in agriculture,” MU Extension economist Ray Massey and Missouri Soybean Association director of environmental programs Darrick Steen.

• “Impact of cereal rye cover crop on phosphorus loss with surface runoff in corn-soybean rotations managed with no-till or tillage,” Antonio Mallarino, Iowa State University.

• “Missouri’s changing climate,” MU Extension climatologist Pat Guinan.

• “New initiatives in Missouri Strip Trial Program,” MU Extension specialists John Lory and Kent Shannon.

• “How much potassium is too much?” Dave Franzen, North Dakota State University; Daniel Kaiser, University of Minnesota; Shaun Casteel, Purdue University.

• “Corn planting depths in highly variable soils,” Stirling Stewart and Newell Kitchen, University of Missouri.

• “Soybean breeding updates,” MU soybean genetics professor Pengyin Chen.

Details and registration at
