__COVID Update__
New Madrid County Health Department’s COVID-19 Update as of Jan. 17
Confirmed cases: 1,947
Out of Quarantine: 1,907
Deaths: 40
Active: 40
By gender: Female 1,138; Male: 809
Race: African American, 341; Caucasian, 1,567; multi-race, 14; other, 25
Age groups: 0-19, 270; 20-29, 229; 30-39, 272; 40-49, 265; 50-59, 278; 60-69, 273; 70-79, 202; 80+, 158
To be included on the New Madrid County Health Department’s vaccine waiting list, New Madrid County residents should register at the following web site: www.newmadridcountyhealthdept.com/covid-waiting-list.php
__What’s cooking at the Oaks Nutrition Center?__
925 Pinnell Lane, New Madrid
Monday, Jan. 25
Country steak, mashed potatoes and gravy, vegetable blend, hot roll, pears
Tuesday, Jan. 26
Baked potato with ham, cheese and broccoli, hot roll, fruit salad or chocolate pudding
Wednesday, Jan. 27
Oven fried chicken, masked potatoes, green beans, hot roll, fruit crisp
Thursday, Jan. 28
Pork loin, baked beans, seasoned cabbage, bread slice, applesauce
Friday, Jan. 29
Fish sandwich with tartar sauce and pickle, potato salad, coleslaw, Jell-O with fruit
__New Madrid Family Resource Center events__
__Birthdays this week__
Jan. 20
Sam Faulkner, Jared Jones, Micah Anne Nesselrodt
Jan. 21
Bailey Fuller, Helena Madden Hunter, Stella Frances Hunter, Carolyn Porter Allred
Jan. 22
Chuck Langley, David Forbush, John Garrett Harris, Claire Shy Winter, Jayana Gilspie, Billy Paul Scobey, Renee Bloomfield
Jan. 23
Channing Bess, Dewayne Stanley, Howard E. Crisler Jr., James Ryan Harris
Jan. 24
Megan Hayes Smith, Ellie Grace Cravens, Harley Jane Lyons, Jerris Waddell Baker
Jan. 25
Dr. Holly Sloas, Conner Alan Nichols, Beth Brotherton, Emma Karafa-Ivie, Joshua Logan Johnson
Jan. 26
Reed White, Landon Matthew Poore, Chris Huckstep
(Calendar courtesy of the New Madrid Historical Museum)
__New Madrid deaths last week__
Danny Decker Jan. 7
(Obituaries can be found in the Standard Democrat print edition as well as online at www.standard-democrat.com)