February 19, 2021

I just read in Speakout, “Biden is a man of God” and “once again they have a man of God in the White House.” I just want to say that if Biden is a man of God, then I am the tooth fairy.

__Biden isn’t man of God__

I just read in Speakout, “Biden is a man of God” and “once again they have a man of God in the White House.” I just want to say that if Biden is a man of God, then I am the tooth fairy.

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I seen that ad in Speakout where President Biden is a godly man. You must be one of those uneducated people or something because he ain’t nothing but a child molester and he don’t deserve to be in office. He’s taken away I don’t know how many jobs from people. It’s awful. He’s killing people by taking their jobs away from them and raping little girls and messing with them and everything else. What in the world is wrong with you people? I miss Trump. I wish Trump would come back. He was the godly one.

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I’m calling in regard to the comment in the paper about “Biden is a man of God.” I don’t what God Biden serves but my God don’t believe in abortion and killing babies as they come out of the birth canal.

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This is in response to the “Biden is a man of God.” I don’t see how Biden can be a man of God when he is for abortion, late-term abortion and even after the babies are born he murders them.

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I would like to speak out about the fact President Biden is a “man of God.” I don’t know where you got your information. You are the only one I have ever heard make that statement. I have never heard anyone but you say that. Just because you say he is a man of God, how do you know of our ex-presidents, President Trump, was not a man of God. I don’t know that either man has ever stood up and stated and told you he was or wasn’t a man of God. You also need to stop and think our former president done for our country. Trump is a good man as well as a good president and did a lot for our country. The good ole USA. The land of the United States is now a free country. So many countries are not. Is it going to stay that way with your President Biden? Thanks for printing this and I hope everyone remembers our president being such a good man.

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I read in Speakout a few days ago that a caller was proud of our new religious president because he invited his friends to church. The same great Christian man a while back said that any boy 8-years-old has the right to choose whether he wants to be a man or a woman. He is also forcing people to pay for government funded abortions, killing unborn babies. I don’t know what kind of religion or cult this caller belongs to but it isn’t certainly any kind of religion connected to Biden and God.

__Sikeston has public-owned utility__

I’m calling in regard to the high BMU utility rate increases that we’ve had over the past few years. Everyone wants to defend the Board of Municipal Utilities saying our rates are lower than Ameren or whoever. May I remind you we have a public-owned utility company. The citizens of Sikeston were promised that if we owned that utility company, our rates would be lower. For those people who want to get our rates equal to Ameren and other utilities, who are for-profit, need to think again. That utility company is owned by the citizens of Sikeston and no stock holders are to be paid or make a profit from it.

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I’m calling about the BMU fiasco. I know people now who have Ameren and their bills are actually cheaper than BMU. BMU bought the old Bootheel Golf Course and is now wanting to turn it into a playground for a select few in Sikeston. People are laughing about it. It doesn’t need to happen. BMU should have never spent money that they knew they needed to offset our rate increase to begin with. It is ridiculous. And then they turned around and slid in, under the table, an additional increase on water and sewer on top of those three increases that were beginning. It’s a joke. The powers-that-be only think about a few, not those that are living on a set income. I got a $10-a-month increase on social security. I’m losing money. My medicines go up but I don’t get an increase in pay that much. Try to live in the majority of the city of Sikeston citizens.
