
Saturday, April 10, 2021

Slow 911 in East Prairie

I think you need to send a reporter over here to East Prairie and ask the police chief why when somebody calls 911, it has been 20 minutes since I called 911 and still no police officer over here checking on my aunt, a welfare check. I would just like to know why it took them and they still aren’t here. It’s been over 20 minutes. Is that how it works? The dispatcher told me, “well we checked her just the other night and she said she was ok.” And I told him I was outside and I could hear the man yelling and cussing at my aunt. So is that what East Prairie Police Department do? I thought when you call 911 it was an emergency. But over here in East Prairie I guess it isn’t. Please do an investigation. Please call the mayor of East Prairie and ask him. Who is running the East Prairie Police Department? I’d like to know. And this is a true statement.

Greitens fan club starts here

Missouri Republicans will probably pick ex-Governor Eric Greitens to run for Roy Blunt’s senate seat. Greitens has all the values these Republicans want. He cheated on his wife. Threatened on the woman he cheated with. Stole from a charity that he started. And he worships at the feet of Trump. The Republican Party is so morally bankrupt that guys like Greitens are the only people they can attract. They know what he will do. He will do whatever they ask him to do and he won’t give a hoot about the people of Missouri. He’s the perfect choice.