NEW MADRID, Mo. - The New Madrid Historical Museum is lighting up the The Memory Tree at the New Madrid County Courthouse again in 2021 to help those of us who are blessed to be here to remember our friends and family members are no longer with us.
The Museum board and staff have put lights on the tree this year in memory of previous board members including Lynn Bock and Craig Scobey who we lost in 2021, its beloved founders Dot Halstead and Virginia Carlson, as well as David Patterson,Vera Ashley, Jane Nunn, Leroy Nunn, George Bock, Kathleen Bock, Mary Margaret Brown, Clay Broughton, Corbett Davis, Johnny Davis, Marshall Dial, Pat Edwards, Bill French, Thomas Gallivan, Doris Hampton, Jack Long, Mary Lou Medlin, Louis Meier, Frances Puckett, Frances Ruby, Susan LaPlant Ramsey, Dr. Louis Smith, Libba Crisler, Melissa Hunter and Buddy Townsend.
Jim and Becky Mills have lit the tree in memory of James Devers, Carrie Devers, Elihu Mills, Louise Mills, Ralph Barnwell Sr., Dorothy Barnwell, Ralph Barnwell Jr., Kathy Barnwell, Frank Hadder, Cindy Hadder, Bob Parish and Nancy Parish.
Sam and Leslie Hunter have lights shining on the tree this year for Sam and Patti Hunter, Pam Hunter, Linda Hunter, Lauranell Hunter, Melissa Hunter, Gene Copeland, Catherine Dawson Cook, George Dawson and Bill Cook.
The lights Lydia Howard has on the tree are glowing in memory of David Howard, Sheila Pikey, Joyce Patterson, Jessica Simpson and Jackie Vaughn.
Jamie Barnwell Phillips has brightened the night with lights for Ralph Barnwell, Jr., Kathy Barnwell, Dorothy Barnwell, Ralph Barnwell Sr., Louise Mills, Elihu Mills, Hattie Boyer, JR Boyer and Johnny Davis.
And Stacy Stanley has put many, many, many lights on the tree this year in memory of John D, Henry Jr.
We’ll have another list of Memory Tree lights next week. Contact the New Madrid Historical Museum at 748-5944 or to put your lights on the Memory Tree.