Where are the protests?
I just want to know where all the protests is at the governor’s mansion, here in the State of Missouri. I just read where they found a COVID-19, Omaha, however you pronounce it, in the wastewater systems up in St. Louis and Kansas City. And what’s our governor doing now? I guess he’s back on his cattle ranch playing with big bulls
At least we don’t have Chicago teachers
Things could be worse. We could have the same quality of teachers in our schools as they do in Chicago, Illinois. Think about it.
Thank you
On Saturday, Jan. 22, 2022, I lost my billfold at Walmart. An honest person turned it in with everything still in it. I’m very appreciative. Thank you very much.
Biden should just do nothing
That ole Geezer that’s in the White House they call a president, if he just had the common sense to sit on his ole blank, blank, blank, and leave things alone the way he inherited from Trump, people would be talking about him like he was the smartest man that ever got in the White House.