NEW MADRID, Mo. - In the opening week of filing no races have developed for county offices but the retirement of one county official and the term-limit requirement for state representative will bring new faces onto the political stage.
Filing opened Feb. 22 for the Aug. 2 primary election of Missouri county officials along with U.S. representative, state senator, state representative and other state offices.
The winners of the primary election will move on to the Nov. 8 general election.
With the announced retirement of Steve Riley as New Madrid County treasurer, Mary Hunter Starnes has filed as a Democrat for the office.
Also filing on the Democratic ballot for county office was incumbent Recorder of Deeds Kim St. Mary Hall.
Incumbents filling for office on the Republican ticket include: Josh Underwood, associate circuit judge; Dewayne Nowlin, collector; Amy Brown, county clerk; Shannon Landers, circuit clerk; Mark Baker, presiding commissioner; and Andrew Lawson, prosecuting attorney.
According to information reported by the Missouri Secretary of State John R. Ashcroft’s office, there will be a race on the Republican ticket for U.S. representative from the Eighth District. Incumbent Jason Smith of Cape Girardeau faces a challenge from Jacob Turner of Jackson.
Don Rone of Portageville is retiring as 149th District state representative after serving the maximum terms in office. Putting in his name to replace Rone on the opening day of filing was Donnie Brown of New Madrid.
Other statewide offices to be filled include U.S. senator. Placing their name on the Republican ballot were Patrick A. Lewis of Wellsville, Eric Schmitt of Kirkwood, Billy Long of Springfield, Eric Greitens of Chesterfield, Bernie Mowinski of Sunrise Beach, C.W. Gardner of St. Louis, Deshon Porter of St. Louis, Vicky Hartzler of Harrisonville, Dave Sims of Kansas City, Mark McCloskey of St. Louis, Eric McElroy of Tunas, Dennis Lee Chilton of Springfield, Robert Allen of Defiance, Dave Schatz of Sullivan, Hartford Tunnell of Carthage and Kevin C. Schepers of Fenton.
Those filing as Democrats for U.S. senator are: Lewis Rolen of St. Louis, Scott Sifton of St. Louis, Gena Ross of Platte City, Carla Coffee Wright of St. Louis, Josh Shipp of St. Louis, Spencer Toder of St. Louis, Lucas Kunce of Independence and Jewel Kelly of Festus.
Missourians will also choose their party’s candidate for state auditor in the August primary election. Republican candidates for the office are David Gregory of St. Louis and Scott Fitzpatrick of Shell Knob while Alan Green of Florissant is the sole Democrat to file thus far.
Filing for the primary elections will remain open until March 29 for state and county offices.